A visionary to save the Open University – or the man who will run it into the ground? - theguardian.com, 09.01.2018
9 January, 2018 - 10:47

The OU’s vice-chancellor, Peter Horrocks, says it must adapt to a world where Facebook or LinkedIn could start doing degree courses on a global scale.
By Peter Wilby

US proposals ‘could shut poorest students out of universities’ - timeshighereducation.com, 08.01.2018
8 January, 2018 - 17:04

New higher education bill would increase cost of university and likelihood of scams, say experts.
By Ellie Bothwell  Twitter: @elliebothwell

Komplexitätsforscher Thurner zum Wissenschafter des Jahres gewählt - derstandard.at, 08.01.2018
8 January, 2018 - 17:03

Blick hinter das große Ganze: Stefan Thurner ist der bekannteste österreichische Vertreter der Complexity Science.
Es gibt sicher geradliniger verlaufende Wissenschafterkarrieren als jene des Innsbruckers Stefan Thurner. Zunächst...

Is a modern MBA worth it? - timeshighereducation.com, 07.01.2018
7 January, 2018 - 01:53

The MBA is no longer a qualification with ‘near mythical status’ offered by only a handful of elite academic institutions – so does it still have value? asks Fran Johnson.
By Fran Johnson

To understand our post-Brexit and Trump world, we need academic inquiry - theguardian.com, 04.01.2018
4 January, 2018 - 15:14

The failure to foresee Donald Trump’s election or Brexit revealed a profound misunderstanding of working-class voters. It’s up to academics to get to the truth.
By Harris Beider. He is professor in community cohesion at the Centre...

How can scholars tackle the rise of Chinese censorship in the West? timeshighereducation.com, 04.01.2018
4 January, 2018 - 14:23

There is growing concern that China is trying to silence its critics in the West, with academic publishers a particular target. Tao Zhang considers the consequences for scholarly freedom – and what can be done to tackle such...

Toby Young appointment adds to the pressure on universities - theguardian.com, 03.01.2018
3 January, 2018 - 23:42

Will the Office for Students be able to deal with serious issues facing higher education, asks Bernie Evans. Also letters from Pete Dorey, Rosalind Garton, Saville Kushner and Gareth Reeves.

Geplantes Forschungsfinanzierungsgesetz für FFG "ein Hammer" - APA, 02.01.2018
3 January, 2018 - 17:24

Wien (APA) - Auch wenn das Thema Forschung im neuen Regierungsprogramm nicht zu den Prioritäten zählt, zeigt man sich in der Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft FFG zufrieden mit dem Papier. Darin finde sich mit dem...

Women ‘more likely to be pressured to add authors’ to papers - timeshighereducation.com, 02.01.2018
3 January, 2018 - 17:23

Junior researchers also more likely to feel they have to give credit to colleagues who made minimal contributions.
By Rachael Pells  Twitter: @rachaelpells

Leichtes Plus bei Studienanfängern erwartet - derstandard.at, 03.01.2018
3 January, 2018 - 17:22

Gesamtstudentenzahl an Unis und FHs stagniert bei knapp 328.500.
Wien – Das Bildungsministerium rechnet mit wachsenden Studienanfängerzahlen im laufenden Studienjahr. Wie das Ressort am Mittwoch mitteilte, wurden an den...

