Leichtes Plus bei Studienanfängern erwartet - derstandard.at, 03.01.2018
3 Januar, 2018 - 17:22

Gesamtstudentenzahl an Unis und FHs stagniert bei knapp 328.500.
Wien – Das Bildungsministerium rechnet mit wachsenden Studienanfängerzahlen im laufenden Studienjahr. Wie das Ressort am Mittwoch mitteilte, wurden an den...

Experten skizzieren Auswege aus dem Innovations-Mittelfeld - APA, 03.01.2018
3 Januar, 2018 - 17:14

Wien (APA) - Österreichs Innovationssystem sieht eine Studie des Wiener Forschungsinstituts WPZ Research gewissermaßen im europäischen Mittelfeld gefangen. 

Cafe culture helps National University of Singapore hit new heights - timeshighereducatin.com, 01.01.2018
1 Januar, 2018 - 12:24

Diverse dining options are part of institution’s recipe for success, says outgoing president Tan Chorh Chuan.
By Jack Grove  Twitter: @jgro_the

Academics Anonymous: the best secret blogs of 2017 - theguardian.com, 29.12.2017
1 Januar, 2018 - 12:23

As the weekly column which puts university life under a microscope turns four, we cast an eye back at this year’s best blogs.
t’s been a tough 2017 for universities in public life – and behind closed doors there have been struggles...

How serious is essay plagiarism? - theguardian.com, 30.12.2017
1 Januar, 2018 - 12:20

In an age of online referencing and essay mills, it’s easier than ever for students to plagiarise (wittingly or not). How big is the problem – and can it be prevented?
Jessica Johnson* was on the way to a funeral when she received...

Brexit, tuition fees and China: my predictions for academia in 2018 - timeshighereducation.com, 31.12.2017
1 Januar, 2018 - 12:16

Simon Marginson looks ahead at what 2018 has in store for academia in the UK and further afield.
By Simon Marginson

Science courses and regional HE ‘hit hardest’ by Australia freeze - timeshighereducation.com, 29.12.2017
29 Dezember, 2017 - 21:17

Certain disciplines and institutions likely to suffer from pegging of teaching funding.
By Chris Havergal  Twitter: @CHavergalTHE

Uni-Budget: Das spezifische Gewicht von Kunst - derstandard.at, 28.12.2017
29 Dezember, 2017 - 21:14

Ein paar wenige bekommen, was anderen weggenommen wurde. Von der vollmundig verkündeten Durchfinanzierung und der wirtschaftlichen Absicherung der Universitäten kann daher keine Rede sein.

Fining universities for no-platforming denies the idea of academic freedom - theguardian.com, 27.12.2017
28 Dezember, 2017 - 11:20

The government says it wants to ensure free speech on campus – yet under the Prevent strategy it has its own list of banned speakers.
By Simon Jenkins

Open access in Germany: the best DEAL is no deal - timeshighereducation.com, 27.12.2017
28 Dezember, 2017 - 11:11

An open access deal between German authors in journals published by Elsevier could be problematic, say Alex Holcombe and Bjoern Brembs.
By Alex Holcombe  By Bjoern Brembs
