Universities now sell themselves – just like shampoo - theguardian.com, 12.12.2017
12 November, 2017 - 13:13

Now that education is a commodity, colleges are bound to exaggerate their standing.
When something is turned into a commodity, should anyone be surprised when it starts to behave like one, even to the point of exaggeration in its...

The end of time sheets? EU pilots ‘trust-based’ grant funding - timeshighereducation.com, 12.11.2017
12 November, 2017 - 13:11

Observers hope scrapping financial audits could lead other funders to cut down on research grant bureaucracy.
At the end of October, the European Commission made an announcement that could strike a significant blow against some of...

University teaching: E = mc^2 … and make mine a pint while you’re there - theguardian.com, 12.11.2017
12 November, 2017 - 13:10

A Cambridge professor forgets that a glass or two can expand the mind with amazing results.
Some university professors have always made it their mission to keep their students out of the pub. Professor Eugene Terentjev, head of...

Forget the money – think of the people we could lose if Brexit is mismanaged - timeshighereducation.com, 11.11.2017
12 November, 2017 - 13:05

European staff have helped make the UK higher education system a world leader, says Sarah Stevens, and we need to ensure that they continue to do so.
By Sarah Stevens

US free speech tracker aims to ‘calm things down’ - timeshighereducation.com, 10.11.2017
10 November, 2017 - 08:52

Georgetown project shows that it’s not just students but also the ‘grown-ups’ in society who are struggling to find right balance, says director.
By Ellie Bothwell  Twitter: @elliebothwell

Paradise Papers: Oxford and Cambridge invested tens of millions offshore - theguardian.com, 08.11.2017
12 November, 2017 - 13:14

Funds invested in by the universities include a joint venture to develop oil exploration and deep-sea drilling.
The universities of Oxford and Cambridge, and nearly half of all Oxbridge colleges, have secretly invested tens of...

Hochschulen erhielten im Vorjahr 40 Millionen Euro an Spenden - derstandard.at, 09.11.2017
9 November, 2017 - 16:09

Steigerung um 20 Prozent gegenüber 2015.
Wien – Die Hochschulen haben laut einer Hochrechnung des Fundraising Verbands Austria 2016 rund 40 Millionen Euro an Spenden erhalten. Das entspricht einem Anstieg von 20 Prozent gegenüber...

Bildung hängt weiter stark von Herkunft ab - science.orf.at, 09.11.2017
9 November, 2017 - 16:09

In keinem anderen EU-Land hängt der Bildungserfolg vom sozioökonomischen Status und Bildungsniveau der Eltern ab wie in Österreich. Das bestätigte erneut ein am Donnerstag veröffentlichter Bericht der EU-Kommission.
Eine künftige...

Informatik an TU Wien startet "Bachelor with Honors"-Programm - APA, 09.11.2017
9 November, 2017 - 16:07
Augmented Reality könnte das Lernen völlig verändern - derstandard.at, 09.11.2017
9 November, 2017 - 09:29

In zehn Jahren spielen entsprechende Technologien eine ähnlich wichtige Rolle wie jetzt Computer und Smartphones, prognostizieren Experten Eine Welt, die nicht unsere ist, aber genauso aussieht. Sie lässt sich zum Beispiel mit einer...

