Teachers and Trainers for the Future. Towards the "New Normal" - Presidency Video Conference, 29.06.2020 (hrpresedu.eu)

Teachers and trainers, in all sectors and at all levels of education and training, are indispensable carriers of all the developments in education and training, as well as an essential driving force for countering the crisis in education and training. They have a crucial role in assuring that individuals of all backgrounds and ages have access to quality education and necessary support in completing their degrees, so that they can live, learn and work in the world of today, as well as create and lead changes in the future. Moreover, European teachers and trainers, being the cornerstones of the European Education Area, have a central role to play in promoting the European dimension of learning and teaching, supporting learners in understanding and experiencing the sense of European identity and belonging.
In the context of constant social, cultural, economic, scientific and technological developments, and in particular taking into account the extraordinary and challenging circumstances caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, demands, responsibilities and expectations put before teachers and trainers are increasing. Continuous novelties, as well as unprecedented challenges, have an effect not only on the competences required, but also on teachers’ and trainers’ well-being and the attractiveness of the teaching profession.

29. Jun. 2020
18. Jun. 2020